The Juice Bar

My muses, thoughts, ideas, and whatever

Thursday, November 30, 2006


It's the end of November, and yes, I did write 50,000 words for Nanowrimo! It's a new draft of a novel I started last year. This time around, I concentrated more on character development rather than plot, for which I worked out a basic outline. The novel is a humorous look about a preacher's kid who backslides from his faith when he goes to college, and he falls in with a crowd of cynical hipsters. He eventually learns the error of his ways, and the only other thing I can tell you about the novel without giving too much away is the title, "Monkey's Uncle". So monkeys are involved in the plot. Feel free to come up with your own conclusions. I will say that the monkeys in my novel don't fling stuff at each other.

Also, today in St. Louis we had an ice storm. Freezing rain and sleet fell all day long. There are two to three inches of sleet accumulated on my lawn. Not snow, but sleet. That's weird. And to top it all off, we're supposed to have snow overnight. Looking out my front door, it's eerie outside. Nobody is out and about. No cars are going up and down my street because it's covered with ice. It's a really strange feeling. I did catch up on seeing a couple of DVDs I've been meaning to get around to watching, and I drank Hot Chocolate. So I guess being iced in isn't too bad. At least until I have to drive somewhere, yikes!


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